Hi, i am El Behedog or El abuelo, i like to discover new art. I hope you like my draws. Hehe.
Im not making NFT, if you see a NFT of my works please report it or ignore it.

Age 25, Male

Aguascalientes, Mexico

Joined on 4/21/16

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7,353 / 7,510
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6.79 votes
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Los mejores tacos son los verdaderos tacos de México.


Thanks. :D!


Es que el mercado de NFTs es algo caotico, si de por si con las cuentas robadas de artistas en toda red social ahora pueden tener ingresos con esto del mercado irregulado de los tokens no fungibles.
Todo un caos. XD

As someone who makes NFTs I'm shocked and dissappointed someone would pull that shit. If I find anything on Mintable with your name or some variation of it on it, I won't just have them reported, I'll point you in their direction.

Thanks. :D
I dont have problem with people selling NFTs but this market need more regulation and stablished laws and the sites need to be more rude and firm with the stealers.



No, really, though
That's pretty mean
Why are ppl selling your art for NFTs?
That's kinda lame

I dont have problem if people have my works for personal purposes, but selling it without my permission is disrespectful, i hate that NFT market is not regulated with laws yet.

@dogmuth-behedog Exactly I mean if you're gonna try to sell your art for the crypto currency equivalent to thousands maybe millions of dollars, make sure it's your art. Every NFT I make is my own work. Even the joke one I advertised not too long ago.

@dogmuth-behedog Te entiendo mano, aparte de que no hay regulación como tal y florece el robo de arte estarías contribuyendo a una estafa colosal (para ser mas exactos, un Esquema Ponzi), a dañar el medio ambiente con todo lo que requiere de procesamiento, y apoyar la escases de componentes de PC (Por ende no podrás enchular tu tostadora para correr DOOM: Eternal)

Si, realmente es todo un caos, aunque siempre ha habido rollos así que al final explotan economias, pero solo favorecen a los ricos, y eso de la escasez de componentes es lo que si me saco de onda ya a llegar a un punto así con eso. XD

el segnor salvador

¿Qué? XD

NFTs are a roose, a sham, a scam. Everyone should be reporting the art they stole from you and others and making fun of people selling nfts. Y'all realize youre fucking up the enviroment with these pseudo get-rich quick schemes. Its an mlm, and is more or less money laundering. Y'all falling for beanie babies again.

Please learn how it is destroying the enviroment, it is the dumbest shit and should be shamed.

Yes, is a real chaos... a very real chaos in the cyber world and real world, i hope NFTs stay in the future in a form of bad joke trend.

@dogmuth-behedog Thats one of the reasons why we look back at history, so we can learn from others stupidity, deception, ecetera (time is a flat circle yadayada). I think its possible for it to be used for good however(that isnt profit driven), keeping them around as is already doing more harm, irreversable harm.

@CIEIRMusic its an mlm, and its actively increasing emissions at an ever increasing rate. Its like beanie babies but with more money laundering.

@MisterLewdude Dude I heard all this before and unlike most people trying to make capital off this, I actually do care about the implications. I shall direct you to the post.

This explains my motive for joining and what I hope to accomplish should someone buy. And that included putting some money into two programs. One dedicated to finding a way to reversing all Environmental Damage in one swoop. Two a safer and more environmentally friendly way of doing it. If we can have solar, wind and hydro to power our electricity as opposed to coal, wood and Nuclear. Then there is always a way to profit off this in a safer way too. That being said, nothing I do increases the carbon footprint that much. I am one person, my NFTs are few for now. It would take a shit load of people just to cause the damage you're suggesting. And judging by how much the majority hates and makes fun of this, it's not enough compared to say a Power Plant's smokestack venting radioactive gas.

But we're getting way off topic here. I approach this like any other business, open, honest and willing to point out other things wrong. Like these assholes stealng my fans', idol's and friend's hard work.

@dogmuth-behedog sociedad segnorita el sexo neto fano esperanza

First of all I apologize for my part of the drama here in your comment section. I should have just said nothing here and moved the conversation to either DM or the news post that I linked in my response to MisterLewdude.

Second of all so far I see none of your work on Mintable or Opensea so far. Nor anyone using your user name for clout, but if I find anything I will let you know as soon as I can.